Artistifier |
Artistifier turns any YouTube movie into a black and white silent movie. 
(via swissmiss)
Lana Del Rey & Super Mario Bros PARODY |
On YouTube, via Neatorama...
Stocking is the new planking! |
mentioned to a weary Graham, who had been trolling the photo agencies looking for a particular image and coming up nil that they should create their own images. Graham was game. As the conversation ensued, the decided they’d have more fun recreating existing stock photo images. STOCKING IS THE NEW PLANKING    Don't miss this great Stocking video!  Thanks Miss! |
Pica Pic |
Pica Pic is a digitalised collection of handheld electronic games. A project by Hipopotam Studio.   |
John 20:29 |
"Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."  |
Glen Luchford |
Glen Luchford is a fashion photography and film maker. 
Nathalie Daoust |
Nathalie Daoust’s latest project, Tokyo Hotel Story, continues her exploration of female sexuality and subversion of gender stereotypes. Spending several months in the Alpha In, one of the biggest S&M “love hotels” in Japan. Daoust photographed 39 women in their private rooms, surrounded by the specialist equipment and dressed in the regalia that define their trade. Her work takes the viewer beyond taboos while showing the universal human desire to escape reality and create fantasy worlds that often oscillate between dream, reality and perversion.    
Marco Tenaglia |
Photographer Marco Tenaglia. [via The Perfect Pleasure]
The Perfect Pleasure |
Found @ The perfect pleasure...
Valencestudio |
“Each work a discourse. Between large and filigree. Linear and complex. Subtle and loud.” Great work form Valencestudio, a Vienna-based creative agency.
Thomas Birke |
Urban photographer Thomas Birke.
Sarah St Clair Renard |
Photographer Sarah St Clair Renard.